A: Adoration (Take a minute and praise God for Who He is)
C: Confession (Confess all known sins of commission and omission)
T: Thanksgiving (Thank God for all His goodness and provision)
S: Supplication (Ask God for blessing upon family, church, etc)

Read Romans 10:17
Read Vs 17, how is faith obtained?
Read I Thessalonians 2:13, how were those at Thessalonica different than many others? Did they respect the word as God’s, or excuse it as the message of men?
Read Mark 4:24. Meditate for a moment: What does this verse show as the way to gain knowledge and understanding? What is the measure of truth given to one who apply themselves lightly? Is your desire for God’s truth enough for Him to give you more? How would you describe your appetite for the truth of God’s Word?
What did God speak to you about today’s devotion?
What does God want you to do today?