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Bible Baptist Church of Aztec, NM
Here's What's Happening at BBC in January!
3rd-(Friday)- Reformer's Unanimous Program, 7 PM.
5th-(Sunday)- Missionary Bro. Sathese Bosco to Sri Lanka in Sunday School and morning service, 10 AM.
5th-(Sunday)- Annual Business Meeting following evening service, 7 PM.
10th-(Friday)- Reformer's Unanimous Program, 7 PM.
15th-(Wednesday)- Missionary Bro. Bobby Harjo to Navajo Reservation in the mid-week service, 7 PM
17th-(Friday)- Reformer's Unanimous Program, 7 PM.
18th-(Saturday)- Soul Winning and Visitation 10 AM
24th--(Friday)- Reformer's Unanimous Program, 7 PM.
26th-(Sunday)- Missionary Brian Hughes to Alaska in morning services, 10 AM.
31st-(Friday)- Reformer's Unanimous Program, 7 PM.
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